Spree killer

A spree killer is someone who embarks on a murderous assault on two or more victims in a short time in multiple locations. The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics defines a spree killing as "killings at two or more locations with almost no time break between murders."[1]



According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) the general definition of spree murder is two or more murders committed by an offender or offenders, without a cooling-off period; the lack of a cooling-off period marking the difference between a spree murder and a serial murder. The category has, however, been found to be of no real value to law enforcement, because of definitional problems relating to the concept of a "cooling-off period".[2] Serial killers are different in that the murders are clearly separate events, happening at different times, while the attacks of mass murderers are defined by one incident, with no distinctive time period between the murders.[2]

Another term, rampage killer, has sometimes been used to describe spree killers, but it does not differentiate between mass murderers and spree killers.

List of spree killings

Incident Location Year Killer Victims killed Notes
Wagner killings Germany 1913 Ernst August Wagner 14 Wagner killed his wife and four children before launching a gun and arson attack in Mühlhausen an der Enz which killed nine. He was sent to an asylum and died in 1938.[3]
Tsuyama massacre Japan 1938 Mutsuo Toi 30 Using a shotgun and swords, Toi killed 30 in an hour and a half before killing himself.[4]
The Walk of Death United States 1949 Howard Unruh 13 28-year-old Unruh killed 13 people in Camden, New Jersey with a Luger P08 pistol, the worst mass murder in the United States at the time. Unruh was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and was detained without trial until his death in 2009.[5]
Cook killings United States 1951 Billy Cook 6 Cook murdered six people between Missouri and California on a 22-day rampage before being arrested in Mexico. He was executed at San Quentin State Prison on 22 December 1952.[6]
Starkweather/Fugate murders United States 1958 Charles Starkweather & Caril Ann Fugate 11 Starkweather and his adolescent girlfriend Fugate murdered 10 people over the course of eight days before being apprehended by police. Starkweather was executed at Nebraska State Penitentiary in 1959. Fugate was imprisoned until 1976.
University of Texas at Austin massacre United States 1966 Charles Whitman 14 Whitman, a student at the University of Texas at Austin, killed 14 people and wounded 31 others as part of a shooting spree from the observation deck of the University's 32-story administrative building. He did this shortly after murdering his wife and his mother. He was eventually shot and killed by an Austin police officer.
Colorado Springs killings United States 1975 Freddie Lee Glenn 5 Along with accomplice Michael Corbett, Glenn was convicted of murdering three people in 1975; combined, the pair were responsible for a total of five deaths in and around Colorado Springs:[7]

Daniel Van Lone, a 29-year-old cook, Winfred Proffitt, 19, a soldier, and Karen Grammer who was an 18-year-old who worked at Red Lobster and was the younger sister of actor Kelsey Grammer.

Coastal Road massacre Israel 1978 Eleven Palestinian assailants 38 Attack involving the hijacking of a bus on Israel's Coastal Highway in which 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children, were killed, and 71 were wounded.
Uiryeong massacre South Korea 1982 Woo Bum-kon 57 Woo, a 27-year-old disgruntled police officer, killed 57 and wounded 35 people using two M2 carbines and hand grenades in an eight-hour rampage before committing suicide.
Massacre at bar 't Koetsiertje Netherlands 1983 Cevdet Yılmaz 6 The Dutch-Turkish Cevdet Yilmaz (nicknamed Ted the Turk) shot and killed 6 patrons of the bar 't Koetsiertje in Delft after one of the patrons insulted him because of his ethnic background. Yilmaz was the first gun-wielding Dutch spree killer.
Edmond United States Post Office massacre United States 1986 Patrick Sherrill 14 Patrick Sherrill, a United States Postal Service employee, shot and killed 14 people at his workplace in Edmond, Oklahoma after being reprimanded by his supervisors before killing himself.[8]
Pozzetto Massacre Colombia 1986 Campo Elías Delgado 30 Campo Elías Delgado, a Colombian Vietnam War veteran, killed 21 people with a .32 revolver at the restaurant "Pozzeto" before being shot and killed by the Colombian police. Hours before the murder, he killed nine people in his apartment block, including his mother.
Hoddle Street massacre Australia 1987 Julian Knight 7 Knight murdered 7 people and injured 19 during a shooting spree in Clifton Hill, Victoria.
Hungerford massacre United Kingdom 1987 Michael Robert Ryan 16 Using two semi-automatic rifles and a handgun, Ryan killed 16 people and wounded 15 others in a space of 7 hours before shooting himself.
Dover massacre United States 1987 Ronald Gene Simmons 16 Simmons murdered 14 family members over a week long period in December 1987 before driving to his workplace in Russellville, Arkansas and fatally shooting two co-workers. He was executed by in 1990.[9]
Luxiol shooting spree France 1989 Christian Dornier 14 Dornier shot dead his sister and mother, and killed 12 others in Luxiol, France. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia and sent to a psychiatric hospital.[10]
Standard Gravure shooting United States 1989 Joseph Wesbecker 8 On September 14, 1989, Wesbecker, a pressman at Standard Gravure in Louisville, Kentucky who was under treatment for depression, entered his former workplace armed with a rifle and four pistols, killed eight people and injured 12 others before killing himself.[11]
Aramoana massacre New Zealand 1990 David Gray 12 Gray ran riot with a rifle through the Otago seaside village of Aramoana, shooting helpless individuals. He was shot dead by the Special Tactics Group around 34 hours after the incident began.
Luby's massacre United States 1991 George Hennard 23 Hennard, 35, was described as angry and withdrawn with a dislike of women. He drove his pickup truck through the window of Luby's Cafeteria and proceeded to fatally shoot 23 people before turning the gun on himself as police arrived.
Falun killings Sweden 1994 Mattias Flink 7 Flink, a fänrik in the Swedish Army, shot and killed seven people, including five fellow female soldiers, with his AK5 assault rifle, in a park in Downtown Falun, near his regiment. An eighth victim was also shot, but survived. Flink was sentenced to life imprisonment.
Cave of the Patriarchs massacre Hebron, West Bank 1994 Baruch Goldstein 29 Goldstein used an IMI Galil assault rifle to kill 29 Palestinians at a place of worship in Hebron. He was beaten to death after being overpowered by a crowd.[12]
Tian Mingjian incident China 1994 Tian Mingjian 23 Using a Type 81 rifle, Tian killed 23 people near Jianguomen on 20 September, including an Iranian diplomat and his son. He was finally shot dead by a police sniper.
Cuers shooting spree France 1995 Eric Borel 12 After murdering his mother, stepfather and half-brother the previous day, 16-year-old Borel went on a shooting spree in Cuers shooting dead an additional 12 people before he killed himself.
Dunblane massacre United Kingdom 1996 Thomas Hamilton 17 The Dunblane school massacre resulted in many deaths in a primary school in Dunblane, Scotland and resulted in a handgun ban in the United Kingdom.
Port Arthur massacre Australia 1996 Martin Bryant 35 Using an AR-15 and an L1A1 SLR, Bryant killed 35 and injured 21 in five hours before being arrested by the Special Operations Group of the Tasmanian Police.
Columbine High School massacre United States 1999 Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold 13 Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, both armed with shotguns and semi-automatic weapons, arrived at Columbine High School on the afternoon of April 20, 1999 and fatally shot twelve classmates and one teacher before committing suicide.
Zug massacre Switzerland 2001 Friedrich Leibacher 15 Friedrich Leibacher shot and killed 14 people at the Parliament in Zug before killing himself.
Bat Mitzvah massacre Israel 2002 Abdel Salam Hassouna 6 A Palestinian gunman killed six people and wounded 33 at a Bat Mitzvah celebration in Hadera, before being killed.
Mdantsane massacre South Africa 2002 Bulelani Vukwana 11 Vukwana, 29, killed 11 people and injured 6 in the South African township of Mdantsane after an argument with his girlfriend.
Matzuva attack Israel 2002 Two Palestinian militants 6 Two Islamic Jihad terrorists whom infiltrated to Israel from Lebanon fired small arms and threw hand grenades at vehicles traveling on the Shlomi-Matzuva road, killing six Israelis and injuring one.
Erfurt school shooting Germany 2002 Robert Steinhäuser 16 Robert Steinhäuser, 19, used a Glock 17 with 31-rounds extension-magazines to kill 16 people at Gutenberg secondary school half a year after being expelled from there without graduation and then shot himself. He also carried a Mossberg 590 shotgun which was however not used during the attacks. [13]
Itamar attack Itamar, West Bank 2002 Two Palestinian militants 5 Palestinian militants broke into a civilian house in the Israeli settlement of Itamar, killing the Shabo family, murdering a mother and her three sons, while injuring two children. Later on the militants also killed the commander of the rescue squad during his attempt to free civilians trapped in the house.
Beltway sniper attacks United States 2002 John Allen Muhammad & Lee Boyd Malvo 10 Muhammad and 17-year old Malvo killed 10 and injured several others over the course of three weeks. Muhammad, who was 41, was executed 10 November 2009. Malvo is currently serving six consecutive life sentences.
Beit She'an attack Israel 2002 Two Palestinian militants 6 Shooting carried out by a squad of Palestinian militants on the Israeli city of Beit She'an. During the attack the Palestinian militants opened fire and threw grenades at the Likud polling station in the city, where party members were casting their votes in the Likud primary.
Red Lake massacre United States 2005 Jeff Weise 9 Weise shot and killed his grandfather and his grandfather's girlfriend, both police officers. He then proceeded to a local high school and shot and killed a security guard. Once inside the school, Weise fatally shot five students and a teacher before committing suicide. Weise killed 9 and injured 15.
Virginia Tech massacre United States 2007 Seung-Hui Cho 32 Cho, using two pistols, killed 32 in two separate events and then himself in the course of about three hours.
Jokela school shooting Finland 2007 Pekka-Eric Auvinen 8 Auvinen, a 18-year-old high school student, killed eight people with a semi-automatic pistol before shooting himself in the head.
Mercaz HaRav massacre Israel 2008 Alaa Abu Dhein 8 A lone Palestinian gunman shot multiple students at the Mercaz HaRav yeshiva, a religious school in Jerusalem, after which the gunman himself was shot dead.
Kauhajoki school shooting Finland 2008 Matti Juhani Saari 10 Saari, a 22-year-old culinary arts student, killed ten people with a semi-automatic pistol before shooting himself in the head.
Geneva County massacre United States 2009 Michael McLendon 10 McLendon, a 28-year-old unemployed man, used an SKS rifle, a Bushmaster AR-15 and a .38-caliber handgun to kill 10 people before shooting himself.
Winnenden school shooting Germany 2009 Tim Kretschmer 15 Kretschmer, a 17-year-old former student, used a Beretta 92FS to kill 15 people in two separate locations before shooting himself.
2009 attack on the Dutch Royal Family Netherlands 2009 Karst Tates 8 A 38-year-old man drove his car at high speed into a parade which included Queen Beatrix, Prince Willem-Alexander and other members of the Dutch Royal Family, killing 7 spectators and participants as well as himself.
Fort Hood shooting United States 2009 Nidal Malik Hasan 14 Fourteen people killed and 29 wounded in a mass shooting at Fort Hood, Texas. The shooter, a U.S. Army major Nidal Malik Hasan was carrying an FN Five-seven along with a .357 Magnum revolver, he was shot and injured by a police officer.
Sello mall shooting Finland 2009 Ibrahim Shkupolli 5 On 31 December 2009, 43-year-old Ibrahim Shkupolli, a Kosovar Albanian immigrant with a history of violence and criminal activity, stabbed and killed his ex-girlfriend in her Espoo apartment before moving on to the Sello mall, where her new boyfriend worked. He shot and killed four people at the mall with a stolen handgun, injuring none. His ex-girlfriends new lover was believed to be among the victims. Later that day, Shkupolli was found dead in his nearly-empty apartment of an apparent suicide.
2010 Appomattox shootings United States 2010 Christopher Speight 8 Speight killed eight people in three locations in Appomattox, Virginia with a high-powered rifle over the course of several hours before surrendering to police.
Cumbria shootings United Kingdom 2010 Derrick Bird 12 Bird, a 52-year-old taxi driver, shot dead 12 people in several towns and villages in west Cumbria. He also injured 11 others in a four-hour rampage. Bird took his life with his own gun.
2010 Bratislava shooting Slovakia 2010 Ľubomír Harman 8 Eight people (including the perpetrator) died and 17 were injured after a gunman opened fire armed with a Vz. 58 assault rifle in a suburb of Bratislava, Slovakia. Harman is the first gun-wielding Slovak spree killer.
2011 Alphen aan den Rijn shopping mall shooting Netherlands 2011 Tristan van der Vlis 7 Six people were killed by a gunman who then committed suicide and 17 were injured in a shopping mall in Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands.
2011 Grand Rapids, Michigan shooting United States 2011 Rodrick Dantzler 8 Seven people killed in two separate homes and two persons injured by firearms, suspect later killed himself after holding three people hostage in a home.
2011 Norway attacks Norway 2011 Anders Behring Breivik 77 On July 22, 2011, Breivik, a right-wing terrorist with extremist views, killed eight people with a car bomb he had planted outside of a government building in Oslo. Two hours later, dressed in a police uniform, he opened fire at a summer camp operated by the youth division of the Norwegian Labour Party on the island of Utøya, killing 69 people, most of whom were teenagers. When police arrived on the island, Brevik surrendered without resistance.
2011 Copley Township, Ohio shooting United States 2011 Michael Hance 7 Armed with a Hi-Point .45 ACP and a .357 magnum revolver, Hance went on a shooting spree. He first wounded his girlfriend , then he killed seven people before being shot and killed by police.[14]

See also


  1. ^ Charalambous, Nick, and Meryl Dillman. "No evidence of spree killer yet, police say". The Anderson Independent-Mail (Anderson, South Carolina), 17 December 2006. Accessed 8 July 2008.
  2. ^ a b Morton, Robert J., and Mark A. Hilts (eds.) Serial Murder — Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives for Investigators, National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Accessed 4 July 2009.
  3. ^ MAD TEACHER KILLS 15 AND WOUNDS 16; Murders His Family, Fires Houses, and Holds Whole Village at Bay. September 6, 1913.
  4. ^ 津山三十人殺し―日本犯罪史上空前の惨劇 (Akira Tsukuba, 2001) ISBN 4102901280.
  5. ^ "Camden mass murderer Howard Unruh dies at 88". philly.com. 2009-10-20. http://www.philly.com/philly/news/new_jersey/64889962.html?c=r. Retrieved 2011-08-07. 
  6. ^ "Billy's Last Words". Time Magazine. 1952-12-22. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,889546,00.html. Retrieved 2010-03-24. 
  7. ^ Rappold, R. Scott (18 July 2006). "Convict in brutal 1975 killings may seek parole". The Gazette. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4191/is_20060718/ai_n16640872/. 
  9. ^ Ronald Gene Simmons
  10. ^ Dans le Doubs, un forcené tue quatorze personnes Terreur au village 14 July 1989
  11. ^ When employees kill other employees: the case of Joseph T. Wesbecker. 14 September 1989
  12. ^ When Fury Rules March 7, 1994.
  13. ^ Erfurt school shooting, official State Report April 4 2004
  14. ^ Ohio police shoot man dead after 'domestic killings' August 7, 2011.

Further reading

  • Pantziarka, Pan (2000). Lone Wolf: True Stories of Spree Killers. Virgin Publishing. ISBN 0-7535-0437-5.